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The Time has come for you to consider your Soul Fitness to survive the present Age of Disruption
- in a lifefulfilling way
  by overcoming

the prevailing intellectual zeitgeist domination via the
Academy4 Think-
; beyond

Other (?0-*3>ZG)   determinateness
with personally
Beyond suppression
- in Love-Coded
Collective*?'s domination with its weapons of mass-deception - with little institutional and legal consequences so far...
- by
adhering to Your
  innate Constitution;
  the focus here

"Humans" follow culturally Hidden Agendas...

"Peace" as an intellectual concept, seen as the opposite to war, and discussing about it under OPTION I, IS NOT the way to a substantially desirable peace. This is in fact the MOTHER OF WAR! Please take the following hints to historic and relationship truth evidence seriously: do not react as if it were a >1 very bad assault on your >5 well meaning intellectual >4 peace efforts! Rather consider that the more people talk about the "peace in their time", the closer they are to war; at its abyss mentally ready for the next step or to let others do the dirty work having failed themselves in understanding. Your feedback can become decisive for OPTION II , which as been worked out since 1979 - 11 areas after experienced Israel from the Sinai to the Golan among all sorts of visitors, Kibutz workers, Israeli, and Arabs. That has left the seed in me to work out the basics for LifeFulfilling Platforms now almost completed...

Here is the coherent attitude to human life, which is based on God's order of life identified from its manifestation in real human beings, just as Isaac Newton identified HIS laws of mechanics based on data rather than wordy interpretations based on the "tree of human knowledge" of the hidden agendas, that have evoked the terrible human history. Actually that latter, insubstantial man-made OPTION I system have collapsed Nov. 24, 2016, leaving humanity now in the Age of Disruption for turning down what was set up substantially towards the OPTION II for Life- through Task-Fulfillment. This site is the onset for further answers to specific questions from readers who can still follow-up their glass half full of understanding rather that argue, in their glass half empty of understanding...

C3: In the beginning was the Creator with his Creation allowing Creatures' Life- through Task-Fulfillment, the here to be reawakened OPTION II:

PRE: The fruits of the tree of knowledge, WORDS with a denotational, in a collective generally grasped meaning, allow human interaction to deal with the sole >6 very good, C3, by %6-projecting what is in our power, short of substantial creation, yet still being capable of understanding, what is >5 good for a collective. That allowed religions to develop ritualized practices as "God chosen" people cultivating their "God" concept.

TRAP: Unavoidably such people get >3 dissatisfied with their insubstancial culture-religion-"God"-idols-"gods" on the one hand. One the other hand, that raises the fear of the temple's cultivators of losing their control over people's minds. And so the 11% of people with an outer artful potential, embellish their temple institutions in more and more convincing ways, up to our media with their spin doctors. Being insubstantial, this intellectual, word-based, personally-neutral psycho-politics is the follow-up of the original sin; detaching people from their individual substance with hidden agendas, in order to rule them easier as divided. And so religions end up setting themselves on top of C3-wholeness in the name of "God". Each new born baby reminds us of the paradise lost intellectually, sublimated with temple spin, leading to judges and prophets to set up, maintain and restore order with what people are capable of intellectually, >4 peace within formal systems that evoke the ZG-zeitgeist instead of relating to God, the consequences of which is outlined in the Old Testament.

Neo-PRE: Since any formally closed system is self-destructive, 33% of people try arrogantly form palaces to organize the remaining 56% of people with a legally enforceable man-made, insubstantial, personally-neutral system. We now call this "state", and what precedes it, uncivilized requiring to enforce >4 peace within itself to survive its self-destructive dynamic by itself, as if God were dead and never existed with HIS superior order and HIS interest in our lifefulfillment, in our conscience. Lacking conscious inner experiences; the capability of the soul, leads "humans" into such TRAPs and made them become their own >1 very bad, worst enemy and sacrificing scapegoats! In short,

- the more the state's political spin makes people repress each other, the more they turn away from their innate self's fulfillment towards what is required for the "peace of their time", i.e. %1-political correctness and social compatibility in the ZG-zeitgeist as their sole OPTION I as social animals...

- the more people succumb to his OPTION I, the more people consider war against a perceived scapegoat as the enemy of this 541-GULAG vicious circle their society becomes. The history of all the man-made created empires of all ages is ample proof, yet OPTION I formatted sciences suppress it in the name of "objectivity", another fake abstract to maintain that of all of us being "humans"! And this way, the real enemy of real human beings, is the man-made evil spirit of the time, but is obscured, its meaning lost from sight, drowned in the trendy information flood, making a climate in which people disrupt each other's conscience. And so above all, the elite at large does no longer know what they are really doing in thus trying to appease polarizing opinions with topping them with more of them, until chaos prevails, asking for coercion and war - in the name of their "God", actually their man-made create ZG-zeitgeist's ultimately self-destructive dynamic embellished and glorified for free interpretation as "evolution"...

TRANS: Such insights into human destiny under OPTION I, cry for ways to deal with the >3 dissatisfaction with what is understood or merely wished for as >6 very good, before such ignorance evokes >2 bad outcomes. And that confronts the prevailing 541-GULAG, about which its temple-palace elite is abhorred, even more than it is disgusted about barbarian neo-PREceding its culture, primitive behaviors, which in its terms, are dealt as crimes. In fact the latter are required 1) to justify investments in protecting temples, against so-called blasphemies with fear inducing crucifixions, inquisitions and witch hunts and burning, and 2) palaces in their desire for a monopoly in using coercive force, up to wars and genocides.
In short this 623-approach is typical for 46% of people and uprising powers, now China to free themselves from the 54% GULAG, as the left-wing intellectual repression. The same applies against the dominating world power, now still the USA, and similarly of alternative against traditional political parties. In their 623-Concentration Camps the aim is to eliminate what is considered >2 bad for their own power base; Moses against the Pharaoh, God against the mighty sinners, the Nazis against the communists, a software engineer against bugs und viruses. This type of activity is often now denounced as right-wing nationalism by left wing, international-, socialist, multilateralism...

The Old Testament God commands that we leave revenge to HIM and obey his 10 commandments. Before that the Hammurabi Code of "eye for eye, tooth for tooth" applied in an emotional age, and was followed in expansionist empires by arbitrary terror to keep the 56% people intellectually more efficient in obedient fear of the 11%-temple- and the 33%-palace elite. After the European peak of failure of such man-made people ruling systems, in the 30-Year-War 1618-48, "humanism" seemed an even more efficient way to go forward while in fact it evoked thinking catastrophes that have led to its failure in the human catastrophes of world wars. That was followed up by the zeitgeist moving towards the abyss of a global holocaust. The new trend of "digital humanism" is trying to ultimately replace "God" in dealing with people, in the way artificial rather than intellectual intelligence deals with BIG DATA, eventually getting rid of the former. The trend is to replace Life with wordy opinions about the trend of opinionating under OPTION I; '*more garbage faster in, more human catastrophes out", is the grim future of mankind without OPTION II!

The New Testament with Jesus' foresights already opened the path in truth about personally relevant life- through task-fulfillment in substantially redesigning OPTION I thinking catastrophes with timely exchange of project-oriented competence - before the point of NO return from the otherwise last war of GULAGIANS, versus Concentration Campers, ending in self-destruction of the humanity of "humans". So all our struggles are over insubstantial intellectual ideals and abstracts, mental self-destructive PRE-TRANS-TRAPs. On Nov. 24. 2016 this OPTION I approach of throwing out the baby with the bathwater, has already collapsed into the present Age of Disruption of all

O=substantial C3-orientation, leaving people to discover their inner consciences with its relationship truth, operationally available to become part of the solution, or remain part of the problem, as sheople, in the vain hope, that the still growing

M=manipulation know-how and its application, the cannibalization of the tree of OPTION I knowledge which promotes the "anything goes"-Lego (with God particles at CERN)-mentality based on the hypes of intellectual, denotational traps. Its thinking catastrophes, are merely based on mass-attractive category errors and non-sequiturs!

If you think, you can treat this lightly, please consider:

as it applies in your inner experience for which you hopefully still have honest access to, according to your soul's capability if you have not yet sold it short to the zeitgeist. In the context of discussing the migration pact, among all the disrupting opinions, I heard a faint glimpse about M/O, "foreign politics must be supported by interior politics", how about, "your thought and action must be in tune with your conscience"?

Under Distress M-manipulation is misused for violence disregarding any O-orientation about its consequences. Nonviolent responsibility is the more conscience practice of being harmless to self and others by working out and accounting for relevant O-Orientation to keep at least ones own M within eustress, e.g. away from reactive nonsense; under every condition. This requires the B1-belief that there is a B2-breakthrouph on one's B3-path outlined by the B4-truth how to not hurt people, animals or the environment that leads to B5-life fulfillment of as many people as possible and that there is no better way to achieve any desirable outcome. In the end taking life from its fulfillment is harmful for all concerned! In short, the above equation is far more relevant than any general philosophy based on moral, religious, often merely spiritual principles of abstention from violence, usually to divide people for their easy rule. Only who can manage to transform the self by understanding the missing O to overcome the temptation for violence, can then become part of non-violent solutions in relationships privately and/or in the context of social, political, economic and environmental problems of conflicting interests; to be seen as pointing to the missing O anf the challenge to fulfill the task to find it and making it operational rather than discussions to gain mass-attractivity th the cost of the attention for those, and one's conscience, with substantial contributions...


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Human Systems fulfill the relevant options of their substance;
OPTION II can be modeled with relevant open-ended generative principles!
The ZG-zeitgeist makes people dance around its prevailing icons;
in permanently self-destructive ways, from to Golden Calf to Stephen Hawking,
as a
science idol; we rather need a sustainably lifefulfilling think-system - here you find it!

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