Having experienced and suffered the "Fall of Man", all the corresponding hostility and challenges have led him to get to the bottom of individual human existence. From this, he has made it possible that your Checklist for your Constitution with its Art. 1-21 for your "soul fitness" can also be worked out as a prerequisite for your OPTION II Life- through Task-Fulfillment as follows:

Train yourself to get it RIGHT so you become GOOD at Lifefulfillment: It is not about what «God» is; it is about what the Creator who made you for, what HE does to that end, and what you can do in acknowledging HIM by fulfilling it as YOUR OPTION II. Here «soul» is not a religious construct to pre-trans-trap you under the worldly OPTION I in mass-attractive ways! Your soul is your innate capability to experience yourself in your conscience in your OPTION II and what the Creator a-points YOU to, so that you can fulfill it gracefully. Surely you have also been shaken up by the deceitfulness of the zeitgeist at the beginning of the present Age of Disruption of relationships, and that again and again from the ...