Welcome to Constitute your Think-Systems

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Responsible, Founder of Applied Personal Science, Zürich

... here to not just to cope with the present Age of Disruption as part of its problem, but to become part of its solution by learning to practice your Life- through Task-Fulfillment:

You have come here because you have seen some personally relevant ways to apply something on my sites in your work/life. On my sites I can just present a general framework, but in a coaching you I can make it applicable with your parameters. Please use this form to make up your mind which inner orientation and understanding you require.

In the context of what you already know about me and APS, and how relevant that is for your life- through task-fulfillment, please become aware of a scenario that furthers our relationship, and describe it; beginning with a title:


In it I ask you for the following assessment of your attention (1-99):



1%: everything is OK in the above defined scenario........ 99%: nothing is OK

 % *

1%: all clear........ 99%: I need complete and reproducible information

 % *

1%: does not concern me........ 99%: I am deeply concerned

 % *

1%: no worries about the consequences........ 99%: I am afraid of them

 % *

1%: no integrity ........ 99%: full integrity in dealing with it

 % *

1%: no remaining doubts........ 99%: all seems very doubtful

 % *

1%: no interest in co-operation........ 99%: open for synergy

 % *

Which attitude fits you best? Please choose exactly that one conscientiously:


Behind YOU in the experience of the past of your social impact

YOUR challenge to the qualification in the current handling of what is

Ahead of you, the opinions of fellow people about you and your future with them

in the very bad "hell" of disruption good about and towards welfare as peaceful follow humans
in the good "heavens" of those with good will satisfying in being together in their very bad "hell" of disruption
with satisfied humans very bad in this world which people suffer from and what is a good  "heaven" in mutual synergy
in the bad world of mistakes and transgressions very good still available to relate to dissatisfied with you, and you, with them
with the very good basics of your substance dissatisfying in the mutual understanding of people in a bad world of powerless people
with dissatisfaction about self and others bad about what misunder-standings cause and their claim for very good bottom lines

Please specify your assessment:
A third grader, a 9-year-old girl could see herself clearly above; intellectuals often freak out when it comes to themselves. They usually want to discuss only topics from the left column, towards their hidden intentions. Those contribute to the optimization of the questionnaire, as the intellect gives more meaning to institutions, so that they can take it away from those affected by them even more easily in mass-attractive ways...


Here you can make your first step to make that possible with your feedback.

Have you already registered the growing site https://constitute.think-systems.ch/?
This developing LifeFulfilling Platform is now at a stage where cooperation with serious
minded participants
can begin with a FREE course of teaching the basics of OPTION II. Please let me know how you have relate to that Word Press site after registering:

Click what you are interested in and what is relevant to you 
Constitute my Think-System to serve my OPTION II
understand the MENU available for me => FREE COURSE

study the sites consulting. and mysoul.think-systems.ch

I can also understand information in GERMAN (für Aktionen)

I have registered
the FREE Course "My OPTION II" (please indicate below where you are with it)

I am no longer interested, please delete my registration and unsubscribe me
    form this list

I am interested in a 1-to-1 cooperation:

Please be specific about what you are interested in and where your
stumbling blocks and corner stones are.
You can use what is relevant for you in the following menu

Delete what you don't need to organize your ideas, and indicate where you are heading...


Required* Contact information you need and want to share *mandatory

Full Name*:v
Title, Function:v
Life Phase:v

How about supporting each other, so access to the still excluded knowledge work#3 can be sufficiently implemented; before the point of NO return, beyond the prevailing failing science and institutions?

to Responsible - for your safety you can make a copy after submit.
I normally respond within 2 working days. Your contribution is welcome; it nourishes my optimism
to go on optimizing my task-fulfillment in your service  and that of all concerned - thank you!