How the inner OPTION II Politics seeks meaningand how that attempt has bee distorted in the 1st and the 2nd Reich and how it is in the 0th Reich we live in now with distorting any substance [Facebook] - less bla-bla, more aha... But first the bottom line for what this site is about, requires clarity about the the terminology (color, abbreviations, functions, dimensions...) Applied Personal Science uses. Then you can adequately understand how modeling the menu of options and their consequences works for human beings have available to answer questions like the above on. to live, - under OPTION I, with the socially conditioned 8 inessential states of being "human", people follow mass-attractivity as the monostatic measure of all things as the basic non-negotiable, personally-neutral#2 p-principle ; even if its insubstantial self-destructive dynamic of its thinking-catastrophes manifest as human, even global catastrophe, a step further... - with OPTION II real human beings fulfill their innate X-being in their conscious life with an conscious attitude of personally relevant#3 o-openness for the e-end of g-generating their personal life by giving lifefulfilling meaning to their 16 essential states of being. The latter is like as what we all do, when we make a conscious physical move; beyond the former, which a p-programmed robot can also do, just predictably reacting to a stimulus like the content-free laws of nature. Even all the possible Artificial Intelligence will always be like OPTION I under which it is designed, non oeg-essential! Only real human beings, hopefully you still too (U2) can, with "good" i.e. uncorrupted by OPTION I will, can learn to grow and fulfill his or her life with oeg-conscious p-principle - transcending any OPTION I p-MATRIX. So let us first focus on you applying this to first transcend your own failed principles with those that oeg-tune into the relevant APS' oeg-p-parameters that do justice to your OPTION II as in the following examples: I>X qualification [Basics for Members only] for Substantial Politics: Donald Trump is qualifying with his 1Bm X-self when and where he is o-open for People#1, in the e-end a (tweet) Worker#1, a-called to g-generate among People#1 (in their mind of life-entrepreneurs) what has a potential to fulfill#3 him with p-principles of his substantial 5>1 "politics" of I-conceptually dealing with what is >5 good, such as "America First" for its people, so he can again X-existentially deal with what otherwise will turn out >1 very bad when politics is left any longer to the merely unilaterally discussed zeitgeist, which renders bilateral relationships insubstantial (such as Barack Obama's "YES WE CAN", and Angela Merkel's "WE MANAGE THAT"). Where rump is o-open for that e-end of such hypes and fake news, he can OPTION II potentially overcome them rather L1-lovingly for those concerned!
Vladimir Putin / Christoph Blocher (Swiss opposition Leader) o-open for the Palace#2's ruling, in the e-end as its Masters#2, who are really a-called to g-generate with People#1 what should be their master-mind#2 with p-principles of their substantial 5>1 "politics" of I-conceptually dealing with what is substantially >5 good for their country's people, so they can again X-existentially deal with what otherwise will turn out >1 very bad when politics is left any longer to degenerate under OPTION I, and rather bring it back to a desirable B3-path! Switzerland's politics is essentially qualified where and when its politics proves its 6Bm X-substance, being o-open for People#1's concerns (direct democracy with the principle of subsidiarity), so in the e-end, those concerned can master#2 the Swiss Constitution to accomplish, a-called (in the name of God Almighty) to g-generate with People#1 what works#1 for them and the country with p-principles of their substantial 3>5 "politics" of I-conceptually dealing with what is in itself insubstantial under OPTION I, >3 unsatisfactory, disruptive, such as the >3 onset of the left-wing INTER-National-socialist, intellectually spinning pre-trans-trapping ideologies such as the one of the European Union on the path to the 0th Reich. Qualified Swiss politics is rather towards what is substantially >5 good (it's economy stupid, subsidiarity to make a country competitive) for its continued X-existence with §3-integrity to its substance gained from 1291-1898 and 1848-1968... United States' politics is essential where and when it proves its 5Cw X-substance, being o-open for Palace#2's ruling (Washington politics' party lobbying), so in the e-end, those concerned can design#0 their "American Dream" a-called to g-generate with People#1 what allows personally relevant fulfillment#3 for them in their country, rather than getting degenerated by the intellectual zeitgeist templates, but rather with p-principles of their substantial 6>1 "politics" of I-conceptually dealing with what is in itself, only as substantial, >6 very good, such as innovation for a desired qualitative growth not pre-trans-trapt by left-wing INTER-National-socialist, intellectually spinning ideologies. The qualified US-politics is rather dealing what is otherwise evolving in >1 very bad ways (pollution, OPTION II being cannibalized under OPTION I) for a continued X-existence within humanity towards B5-life-through Task-Fulfillment... Had President Barack Obama measured up to this essential US-politics, he would have deserved the Peace Nobel Prize; had he said "YES YOU CAN" to himself rather than ended up as a lame duck at the mercy of the zeitgeist's media politics - now just irrelevant former hot air... Let us test what Alois Schickelgruber alias Adolf Hitler could have done with his 1Ce Xa:#21-20 IX:43 §1 parameters: Adolf Hitler would have been qualifying with his 1Ce X-self when and where he was o-open for the possibilities of the Palace#2's ruling (in the Weimar Republic after World War I to overcome its intellectual corruption and the oppressive Versailles treaty), in the e-end taking what worked#1 for himself a-called instead of by his revengeful trauma by his better insights. Instead, he began to use the brute force he had organized at his disposition, seemingly at first against the communists, who were, headed by Stalin, also on that destructive 31-insubstantial politics. Both began, on all levels to drive out the devil, as Beezebubs, Hitler to g-generate in his Palace#2 (more or less democratically elected as the Reich's Chancellor) his appearance as the unquestioned Führer#0 with p-principles of his thus insubstantial 4>3 "politics" of I-conceptually dealing with what led to the Nazis coerced, for them, at the cost of people till doomsday, >4 peace of mind, with the carrot of creating job's again, not with investment money but with hard work (a great economic achievement to boost popularity to instrumentalize Europe and beyond to carry out his agenda); not for the long term X-existential welfare, but for his rhetorically at first hidden (The English Prime minister Chamberlain, having sold his soul for OPTION I, fall for it - for "peace for our time...") agenda in the then zeitgeist leading bestseller "Mein Kampf". He proclaimed to deal with the >3 unsatisfactory against which Hitler provoked World War I as his means to act out his burning revenge against the Jews and other "inferior" people, misused as the scapegoat for Germany's defeat in World War I, instead of §1-expressing what Germany and its people really needed to stand up again as a productive nation among others as they did only after another, far more terrible defeat in the human disaster of World War II! In short:
Summary: On Nov. 24 2016, the underlying European intellectual framework and its elite, the 2nd Reich collapsed. Humanity, now in the Age of Disruption, in the global, 0th Reich, detaches from all substance heading into virtuality#0 in which the above OPTION II modeling is its stumbling block, while in fact it is the cornerstone for a desirable future for mankind - it could depend on YOU, whether we miss the point of NO return, or if humanity gets the chance II after its evil investment mainly by European civilization into OPTION I of cannibalizing everything with substance on Earth! At last but not least, we need to understand the politics of Christ versus Christianity [outlined for Members only]...