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The Time has come for you to consider your Soul Fitness to survive the present Age of Disruption
- in a lifefulfilling way
  by overcoming

the prevailing intellectual zeitgeist domination via the
Academy4 Think-
; beyond

Other (?0-*3>ZG)   determinateness
with personally
Beyond suppression
- in Love-Coded
Collective*?'s domination with its weapons of mass-deception - with little institutional and legal consequences so far...
- by
adhering to Your
  innate Constitution;
  the focus here

The 4 Course Lifefulfilling Menu

The Chef recommends you study his Cuisine, and if you have not yet applied for membership, to do it now. As a member you can order what you need from your special 4 Course Menu below. It will be tailor prepared as the F9-basic Process you need to support and do justice to Your OPTION II of Life-through Task-Fulfillment towards actively joining LifeFulfilling Platforms:

STARTER:         Soul-Fitness with Your OPTION II
(a>X #13)

APPETIZER:      Target Group intellectually flavored
(your a-X substantiated intellect)

MAIN COURSE: Constitution with Preamble and 16 articles
(§GHL-ethical bondage to keep your options whole)

DESSERT:         Substantial Politics with your OPTION II corner stones
(your target group's I-X conceptualization within your constitution)

Ambiance - relevant Topics to not fall for the temptation to go on having your life insubstantially digitized in your mind by OPTION I to divide to rule you at the pimp's price of your soul to get your prejudiced measure of mass-attractivity; me, more or less insulting excuses for being inferior in my §3-ingerity to be considered in  OPTION I kitchens, rather not understood...

Who has fully digested this menu will no long allow to have his or her mind been digitized insubstantially in terms of stumbling blocks, under OPTION I with pre-trans-traps. Its plll-begin with denotational words ("flying carpets" in the zeitgeist: good for carpet dealers/intellectual businesses only as mass-attractively organized prejudices by the zeitgeist, spin) up to blackmail (the more abhorring, the more mass-attractive...). Consider the digitalization of 

- *3-content-free brute force#1, the Turkish way the Sultan was chosen as the *3-egoistically Darwinian surviving son among PEOPLE, if necessary with brother murder like Cain, enhanced by

- ?0-anything goes illusionary convictions#0, up the career ladder as ego-manic dreamers e.g. to become Pope to determine the ZG-zeitgeist's ?0-illusionary religious TEMPLE myth/dogma, pretending to be "God's representative on Earth", i.e. the zeitgeist speaker, aiming at a

%-persoanlly-neutral majority, divided to be ruled#2 based on %1-politicall correctly elected PALACE politicians with the job of %5-manipulating the %1 social compatibility by %6-projeting their personally-neutral#2 party ideology, such as Adolf Hitler elected to then become the Führer/leader with, and of applying brute force against people that could not, or were considered inferior, not worthy (the Jews , Hitler's enemies) of being convinced of the Arian Nazi ideology - the role model for most politicians in power until, at the peak of their pre-trans-trapped incompetence, they fall, in case of Hitler, with some 50 million sacrificed for him, to have, as Bill Clinton said of his reign, a hell of a ride...

This OPTION I in all its human sense, starts, according to the President of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Prof. Lino Guzzella, as the only one, in the mind with chemical-physical processes#1 that can be manipulated by junk food and drugs, on an intellectual level suppressing any essence; as above with the malice of the time of the OPTION I, so below with perverse sublimation instead of the fulfillment of one's own OPTION II. In this spirit even the Swiss government abuses its people, constitutionally its sovereign, just as with the Beelzebub strategy, humanly conditioned creature try to abuse his or her Creator in their evolutionary slandering; e.g. every year among nearly 8 million Swiss inhabitants every 8th some with children go to the street parade; one per thousand afterwards in medical care, some having their hearing damaged in the creepy mass orgy with massive pollution, man-made and -outputted. That leaves Sodom and Gomorrah, where there were not even 10 upright people an evil kindergarten in the Guinness books of record. The media are faking their news, the consumers internalize such things as %1-socially compatible political correctness and become sheople, zombies. All of them with the same stupid excuses against further understanding; like the smokers. And these opinions are legally protected and scientifically examined for %-mass- attractivity, and the statistical results are called humanism#2. What changes that mass appeal is called art#0. In fact it turns into the maliciously caqncerequs MATRIX of the time like the generalizing wordy terminology (denotation) that excludes aIX-real people like me and your essential states#13 translating your a-insights via your mind's I-concepts into your X-being. And on top we had among other, the holocaust against the bearer of the Jewish#13 mentality. Thus, according to the Beelzebub strategy, Jesus is crucified on all levels to unite humanity against its Creator to the destruction of bio-logically soul-inspiring life. And even the Swiss Gracious Ladies and Gentlemen of the elite are faking their Constitution in that way with the evolution of their hypes and tricks, called politics, closely followed by pedo-intellectuals leading to the insubstantial dictatorship of %1-political correctness.

Here is what is said on 'carpets flying' to the top of OPTION I:

  1. "The important thing is not being afraid to take a chance. Remember, the greatest failure is to not try. Once you find something you love to do, be the best at doing it."
    - Debbi Fields - to some thing

  2. "The winners in life think constantly in terms of I can, I will, and I am. Losers, on the
    other hand, concentrate their waking thoughts on what they should have or would have done, or what they can't do."
    - Dennis Waitley - to you being your thoughts

  3. "There is no royal, flower-strewn path to success. And if there is, I have not found it.
    For if I have accomplished anything in life, it is because I have been willing to work
    - C.J. Walker - to serve what you have made to think your are

  4. "Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve. Thoughts are things! And powerful things at that, when mixed with definiteness of purpose, and burning desire, can be translated into riches."
    - Napoleon Hill - to displace corner stores so anything goes...
      at the abyss, a step further...
    that is evolution stupid...


However, lifefulfillment follows understood corner stones; the relevant oegp-OPTION II parameters in terms of relevant immutable basic oegp-relationship truth, demanding to be

- o-open for what is innately RIGHT, and in the

- e-end GOOD for

- g-generating FULFILLMENT with oeg-personally relevant#3

- p-principles to understand and consider them wisely to keep one's Life/Work-Balance within eustress allowing synergy - at least with self and the Creator, tuned in your ultimate power!

i.e. not powerful thing like idolatry, philosophy, rhetoric, spin of
      "Flying Carpets Inc.& Co"...

It is time you open your inner eyes opened about the evil nature of INTER#0- and National#2 31-left wing socialism as well as the capitalist#1 42-right wing cannibalizing Liberalism#1! In fact 31-intellectuals as well as 42-egoistic individualists are all in unison in the OPTION I rat-race for mass-attractivity; two side of the same OPTION I coins, of the flying carpets armadas demeaning each other and thereby themselves...

- Do not be daunted by the world's grief (remain o-open for your OPTION II)

- Do just now, have mercy now (considering the e-end).

- You are not obliged to complete your work (but to g-generate your life's task-fulfillment),

- but neither are you free to abandon it (within the oegp-principles of God's superior order).

The Talmut

If you are ready to demean any poeg-unnecessary OPTION I ideologies you may become, if you still need a word, a "Substantialist#3" in terms of the relevant oegp-parameters of your X-OPTION II for which you were created for. Become your OPTION II part of the solution!



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Drill deeper:

Human Systems fulfill the relevant options of their substance;
OPTION II can be modeled with relevant open-ended generative principles!
The ZG-zeitgeist makes people dance around its prevailing icons;
in permanently self-destructive ways, from to Golden Calf to Stephen Hawking,
as a
science idol; we rather need a sustainably lifefulfilling think-system - here you find it!

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