GERMAN-Deutsch (in Bearbeitung)
Matthew 18-3: "Truly, I say to you, If you do not have a change of heart and become like little children, you will not go into the kingdom of heaven."
In this world, "heaven" is synergy with self and others. To be like children is to be respected in the §1-right to express yourself and to be understood, so one can §2-fulfill one's innate purpose and let others do the same. In the present culture that is a matter of course for children up to the age of ten, but from then on normally, their §3-integrity is challenged up to the point of becoming disrupted under OPTION I's %1-political correctness, and even worse sucked into in the world's rat race for mass-attractivity, in the ZG-zeitgeist. The more a person then grows-up within the culture of M-manipulative OPTION I, the more conscious H4-understanding of his or her X-substance for his or her life- through task-fulfillment is required to consciously acknowledge and maintain...
M / O = STRESS in the EUSTRESS as the precondition to engage in synergy to become part of the solution toward LifeFulfilling Platforms. Otherwise the stress of those concerned converges via distress for them to become part of the problem leading to the DEATH of unfulfilled lives. And that causes humanity to mutate into the cancer of its living space, earth, disrupting this part of Creation and its Creatures in ignorant arrogance, against the Creator, and this is dead serious! The desirably necessary Synergy requires, with
- self, a mindset allowing for the consideration of the OPTION II in view of the end of one's life, free to generate aware of what conscious eustress requires in terms of appropriate principles. Since 1979 I have developed 1728 relevant oeg-principles, out of which a to be identified one does justice to any human individual or collective-cultural system of human interactions.
- others, a mindset allowing the consideration of the OPTION II of others and the good will to support and challenge them, as well as self, to co-operate in synergy.
and for a
substantial, institutional framework agreement:
(Switzerland) und
while the intellectual framework would be one where the
EU as a People#1Priest#0
institution would insist on a top-down,
colonial treaty with the People#1Mastery#2
of Switzerland with Europe's
dominating the Swiss L3/y#20>5
one with its H2/t#13-thinking
about bilateral treaties - a no-go from which the Confederates
emancipated 1291, and after having shamefully fallen 1798-1812 under
Napoleon, with its outstanding constitution 1848 sustainable through
the European madness, communist aspirations from inside and the East Block
1917-1992, and faced with the Nazi period 1933-45 and their military
encirclement of Switzerland 1941-45.
- If X1 (me) und X2 (my wife Diane) follow the ZG-zeitgeist disrupting each other by c-profiling only our own J-self-justification in view of the %1-others (social compatibility, tradition, prejudices, fake news, i.e. insubstantial misunderstandings with category errors and rethoric, non-sequiturs, hypes and worse...) we set the scene for distress. The "good news" is, that this can not end up being worse than an unfulfilled death. And this dismal prospect makes weak spirits consider mobbing, divorce, suicide, murder...
- However, if we respect each other's §1-§2, based on the §1-worked out trust not to fake our expression of §2-purpose, say in angry lying, then, specifically for our X1 and X2, J-justifying each others X-existence as much as one's own, works towards synergy for a fulfilling X-coexistence.
- Beginning as children, specifically with X1, me in the context of §1-expressing our common h-living space, my own y-minimally necessity in relationship with her for the §2-purpose of synergy with her X2, allows her to c-profiling her §1-expression of her §2-purpose of her M-maximal perspective for us in the relationship. Then each of us can overcome the default cJ-disruption to provide the mutual basis for §0-sustainable synergy based on the substantial §3-personal integrity of each of us.
In short relationships are the challenge for life-fulfillment through life-long learning about timely common project-oriented task-fulfillment to prevent learning it the hard way or having to lick the then unavoidable wounds of disruption in insubstantial relationships - which is a bit like playing Russian roulette!!
- Under OPTION I empathic, mass-attractive knowledge, typically exemplified in coaching courses and politics, promises to become human in relationships, provided you accept the thus evoked MATRIX for manifesting your inner world in %1-politically correct ways. But in fact, those "fruits of the tree of knowledge", ripen in faoul massattractive ways into self-made PRE-TRANS-TRAPs; making you suppress what is PREceding the TRAP of %1-social compatibility under the Damocles sword of inhibiting by mobbing anyone pretending to even conbsider a timely TRANScending solution for the otherwise resulting self-destructive systems - such as was evoked by the scribes against Jesus...
- In the present Age of Disruption, general, nice sounding hypes disguise such traps' disruptive dynamics via competing ideologies and manipulation methods. Their systems are enhanced by ever faster developing globally networked technology, turning humanity in a sort of left-over zeitgeist entities being M-manipulated by insubstantial Artificial Intelligence overwriting any real human being's responsibility. That bound to end up being like a cancer, detached from the O-orientation of its DNA.
So, the choice between your OPTION I of becoming part of the the web of your insubstantial relationships in the vain hope of gaining mass-attractivity, or OPTION II, to fulfill your life in your relationships in synergy, is now also available for you. The way we were conditioned to think about self and others restricted to OPTION I, has no longer a desirable future as alchemy had at the time of Isaac Newton, racism auf the time of Martin Luther King, communism at the time of Gorbatchev - therefore...