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The Time has come for you to consider your Soul Fitness to survive the present Age of Disruption
- in a lifefulfilling way
  by overcoming

the prevailing intellectual zeitgeist domination via the
Academy4 Think-
; beyond

Other (?0-*3>ZG)   determinateness
with personally
Beyond suppression
- in Love-Coded
Collective*?'s domination with its weapons of mass-deception - with little institutional and legal consequences so far...
- by
adhering to Your
  innate Constitution;
  the focus here

Overcoming Disruption with the Superior Order

Check the corresponding video available:

A desirable order reconciles the collective with the individuals. The collective depends on the degree the general Bm-Boundary conditions can be multiplied towards a committing, superior mass-attractive OPTION I to %5-manipulate people, so they remain %1-socially compatible, i.e. easy to rule so those who call this bluff can be slandered...

- Individuals want the freedom to go beyond the %6-projected OPTION I to Pp-prepare their own Processes to survive for their personal relevant Life- through Task-Fulfillment; their OPTION II; what that means is the topic of my sites, to be made possible in synergy with each other!

- The problem is that some humans as 'masters', want to rule people in public, while some others, as 'priests', want to frame the palaces' hierarchy and the mind of its master's, about how to divide people in an admirable way, to set up the 'temple' as a superior, mutual admiration society to disrupt people's minds with their Bm-narratives, spin and fake news, instead of the y-minimal necessity; y(Bm)=Pp:

The OPTION I world tries to pre-trans-trap human X-existence; yours has an urge to contribute self-determined via the social impact dimension of Pp-preparing your inner Process to manifest its meaning. This is achieved by fulfilling your OPTION II, beyond the prevailing, multiplied Bm-Boundary conditions . In order to disrupt that OPTION II intention of real human beings, the Bm-ZG-zeitgeist has usurped Pp and its elites try to keep this dimension inaccessibly non-existent in people's conditioned minds. ZG-Pedagogy %6-projects thousands of %1-politically correct "competences" to real human beings in the name of its spin and its 3 taboos of, by all its means, NOT
- talking about one's inner process beyond the confessional chair,
- using relevant analogies between your inner process and the outer world,
- insisting on any effective claims, which are denounced as egoism,
to demean any personally relevant conscious#3 initiatives beyond the people#1 under the ruling order of the palace#2, and the temple#0's ideology. The latter sets the Bm-zeitgeist, of how the palace should rule people, justifying its Bm, instead of serving people's substantial Pp, with its spin#0 about the well being of all#2, i.e. the elite in its positions with definition and execution ordering, to remain unquestioned, power, instead of overcoming >123, to allow >456 contributions...

OPTION I prevailing ZG-opinion about:
>6     >2      


>5 >4          

USA, Trump, Putin

>4         >1  

CH, Stalin, Kim Jong-Un

>2           >3

me, Moses, France

>3   >6        

Lenin, Hitler, Germany

>1       >5    

Diane, Goebbels

  >1 >2 >3 >4 >5 >6

>qualifying X-OPTION II

fS ?*


My nonessential and essential states of being (none on >2)


cp f!J +2

Jesus: Nothing essential on >1, and as worker#1

Be aware, that in your state of being, each and everyone of us is capable of empathy with most others to somehow walk a mile in their shoes.

Take the known story of 4Bm#22>2 which sufficiently models what the Bible says about

- Jesus: He did not come to go along with the expecting opinions of how he should be >6 very good in terms of the mass' wishes on Palm Sunday; getting rid of the Romans to reestablish the Jewish temple cult of the Old Testament as a Phoenix rising out of its ashes. He came to qualify with what is >2(>3>6) bad in collectives, by dividing the chaff from the wheat with the sword of his H2-divine superior power to overcome OPTION I and its death sentence against him. Among those who B1-believe in his B3-breakthrough, he is still mass-attractive with the innately, real >6 very good he did in qualifying by taking our sins away. Also he has left us the Holy Spirit to keep §3-integrity in the world which did and still does crucify the B3-path which in B4-truth leads to B5-life fulfillment, which Jesus made possible by embodying B1-5 his X#22/B3>2! Congruent to the above F19-diagram of the Pp-functions, Jesus did in fact overcome the 7Bm-influence of the multiplied Bm-death sentence by the Palm Sunday crowd stirred up by the temple's spin. After resurrecting his execution by the Roman authority; Pilate fall for the fake news, Jesus become as Christ, the origin of Christianity's F4-management of >4 peace beyond the malice of the time, a spot on  identification explicitly referred to in the

- Swiss Federal Charta of 1291. Its meaning suggests >5 qualifying the Swiss 6Bw#12>5-substance to maintain what is >5 good. This has kept Switzerland in >4 peace beyond having been cursed as a 1-very bad stumbling block for the surrounding European OPTION I powers, up to our days, the insubstantial EU. Before Christmas 2010, Jean-Claude Junker, the top-EU-bureaucrat severely slammed Switzerland as a geo-strategically absurdity - just in this psycho-politically evil way the Nazis began by declaring the Jews monsters, not worthy of life! The EU politics has a similar aim on it ZG-ride; eliminating sovereign nation states! The President of Germany, has not really been a sovereign state since 1945, on an official visit to Switzerland 2014, basically declared people too stupid for Direct Democracy. This seems obvious for him and most Germans, who so  massively went  along with an Adolf Hitler, and now with a Presidency over their lost sovereignty...

The above table clearly shows, that we all have to bear our cross in terms of >3 unsatisfactory, >2 bad or >1 very bad challenges of our OPTION II (me >6) under OPTION I (me 3), by its organized prejudice of each one's different mass-attractivity (me 2). I could write a book to exemplify it all - also for all people I sufficiently know up to examples which include many nations. In short, it is simply better for your your self to honestly confront your lot in this hypocritically disruptive world of intellectual discussions and the malice of their zeitgeist's bluff in the empty fields in the above table. Like Hitler, most politicians before the elections, and the intellectuals in marketing their ivory towers, and the insubstantial institutions they evoke, pretend to work towards the >6 very good, or at least for the >5 good in 4> peace in the 3 dimensions in the above table:

1) Their OPTION I bluff in their "Tower of Babel" was called by

2) people with an OPTION II awareness  collapsed on Nov. 24, 2016.

3) Their usurped mass-attractivity in their so-called civilizations and collectives has failed terribly for millenniums in their vain effort to demean any qualification by real people of their X-substance by %6-projeting it, and its Creator, as non-existing, indeed in their MATRIX, beginning with muting it in themselves, i.e. in acts of self-condemnation and selling their souls short...

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Drill deeper:

Human Systems fulfill the relevant options of their substance;
OPTION II can be modeled with relevant open-ended generative principles!
The ZG-zeitgeist makes people dance around its prevailing icons;
in permanently self-destructive ways, from to Golden Calf to Stephen Hawking,
as a
science idol; we rather need a sustainably lifefulfilling think-system - here you find it!

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