Your Attitude matters in regard to Your DestinyPlease study all the 24 possible mindsets until you thoroughly understand why your training is uniquely based and focuses on the following oegp-one - no discussions. If you have not yet applied to get the soul-fit coaching, do it to get personal support to clarify your constructive questions so that you may be empowered to take away what is worth its 222-Internalization along the following mental checklist: 1) poeg-DEMEANS everything under OPTION I which is insubstantial, before it inhibits your ability to still be yourself, me, tuning into my relevant parameters:
o-open for
personally relevant#3 Vision>Goal>§2-Purpose
e-to the lifefulfilling end of)
Research>monitoring>generalization#2 g-generating) concepts#0>parameterizing participants as real human beings on LifeFulfilling Platforms who are not just intellectually interested to get a general explanation of my Pp-task-fulfillment in p-preparing my P-process in my basic social impact dimension, here a-called as a Palace#2Worker#1 to X-be a People#1Prophet#3, like Moses constantly addressing OPTION II, even in the face of the mighty ones in the ruling palace... p-principles) for optimally desirably lifefulfilling application#1 in co-operation towards synergy doing justice to each others OPTION II while qualifying myself in dealing with what is >6 very good; specifically, giving meaning to OPTION II 2) opeg-staying OPTIMISTIC about OPTION II; with or without opinions towards L2-timely exchange of project-oriented competence, and if necessary, before the point of NO return, a sufficient L3-Reframing of the co-operation in living together with §3-ingegrity as the non-negotiable precondition to §0-sustainability - with life-long learning to 3) oepg-OPTIMIZE mutual understanding with the knowledge work required to B4-truthfully L1-love what is substantial, and then 4) oegp-GIVING MEANING to your own and other's OPTION II with Applied Personal Science#3 [Video]. It is not about being "human" in personally-neutral, pre-trans-trapping wordy terms against a foreground appearance. It is about the goal of Life- through Task-Fulfillment through Task-Fulfillment from within o-following this OPTION II by the sufficient conscious e-inner soul-search work up to g-conceptualizing LifeFulfilling Platforms, and p-m maintaining them with the above principles (1) of doing it right, (2) well, (3) in lifefulfilling ways. The OPTION I
intellectual hierarchy
has a 12-rung pecking order
puts the 00-Temple#0Priests#0
on top and the People#1Prophet#3
on the despised* bottom rung 12; the elite hates relating people to their roots
of existence as I do it her! And so the Nazi collectively put the Jews, in the Old
Testament, at times, the Israelites, did with their own prophets on rung 12, to
make them non-existing in their usurped sphere of influence.
Understanding which substantial a-X intellect applies to you, is the precondition for you to become part of the solution to overcome the insubstancial intellectual MATRIX with your substantial a-X Soul-Fitness... My intellectual mindset is oegp: Get yours wehen you are