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The Time has come for you to consider your Soul Fitness to survive the present Age of Disruption
- in a lifefulfilling way
  by overcoming

the prevailing intellectual zeitgeist domination via the
Academy4 Think-
; beyond

Other (?0-*3>ZG)   determinateness
with personally
Beyond suppression
- in Love-Coded
Collective*?'s domination with its weapons of mass-deception - with little institutional and legal consequences so far...
- by
adhering to Your
  innate Constitution;
  the focus here

"Reverse Engineering" the Cargo-Cult "Humanities"

It is about, IaX-conscience; in one's I-concepts, going a-back to basic insights in order to reconstruct in one's X-being, how one and the others got pre-trans-trapped to hopefully thus justified, resurrect before the point o NO return in synergy with others. In this light, it is about life and death and everything in between, your life's waste and fulfillment, is your choice in giving meaning, as you do, to let your tongue speak, or your arm move.

Cooperation in a Cargo-Cult

It is about reclaiming the qualities collectives have taken away in their limiting ways from real human beings as executed by varies tapes of shrinks from priests via managers to politics, enforced by lawyers and psychologist-psychiatrists. As an easy exercise, please replace "employee" by others, "employer" by self, "job" by your life fulfillment, "boss" and "leverage" by your soul-fit conscience, "companies" by those you live with in the following up-to-date bestselling ideology about human resource management:

The most successful companies have realized the important leverage, the ABC-optimization of their human resource management by

- firing C-employees for not learning on the job to contribute to the mass-attractivity of the boss and the company, or giving them a concrete time limited chance to better match their wordy p-skills with the temple#0 formatted job organized by the palace#2 to become a

- reliable B-employees, and those, to become

- A-peak performers.

And then, do not make the OPTION I mistake of waiting beyond the point of NO return with such simplifying thinking catastrophes like "everything that works is simple, without (pre-trans-trapping) simplicity, nothing works at all...". They evoke an insubstantial cargo-cult as a ridiculously closed formal, i.e. lifeless ideological system [YouTube video], as self-destructive, ending in human catastrophes, now amplified to global ones. So if you do not get your OPTION II inside yourself, see what happens at best on top of OPTION I, outside up to Washington [YouTube video]...

The above practical cargo cult of ABC-human resource management, in turn require employer to create job positions with the relevant marketing opportunity, product and service skill fulfillment, and opportunities to tuning into target groups to be of service with %1-politically correct social and %5-manipulative behavioral intelligence as %6-projected by the boss:

And the boss has to stand up as the Palace#2Master# (CEO) in the name of the company, who in turn is usually driven by the stakeholders up to the stock market and the global economy driven by the zeitgeist. And that works, unrevealed in the humanities#2, with "flying carpets" of punch words, scientifically organized into nice sounding hypes such as with wordy pre-trans-trapping, shrunk definitions of the ABC-types:

Remember the final consequences of the Titanic (greedy entrepreneur), Challenger (arrogant managers), Tschernobyl (communist lethargy), Fukushima (corrupted controllers) Disasters, and worse human catastrophes cause by their respective cargo cult of the elite dealing with the conscience of real people as stumbling block insisting on their corner stones/opinions, the "flying carpets" of their ABC-spell. Such pre-trans-trapped people, perpetrators and victims, deal with themselves and matter in arrogant ignorance of the H2-relevant higher order, rather conditioned by fake news and word magic/rethoric to cover up failures.

Here we follow the reverse engineering procedure, e.g. digging deeper into insubstantial hypes say about weather gods to meteorology, substantial in the relevant laws of nature [YouTube] and real life. The latter is based on the attitude of being o-open for what in the e-end is the substantially driving force of g-generating human lives and its personally relevant#3 p-principles as parameters#3, pointing to relevant relationship truths, emancipated from the zeitgeist hypes of common, instead of appropriate, pre-trans-trapping, %5-manipulative skill based, mass-attractive language. The latter shrinking away from any substance, results in the OPTION I cargo-cult.

Please remember you are the most effective person fooling yourself and the one, solely responsible for all consequences. This is a much better starting point than "freedom of opinion" and tolerance for anything goes...

Nature - Economy - Politics

However, those people who come too late with their innate OPTION II such such as instead

C-insubstancial ?0<+2 *3 -4> ZG, i.e. in their *3-egpoistically competing with ?0-illusions in the ZG-zeitgeist towards +2 more of the same, outsourcing -4 stress to the collective, will by punished by life and will lose their

B-social intelligence to behave %1-socially compatible, %5-manipulating others by %6-projecting their thus hidden C-agenda,

ambitious, both often promoting themselves to the OPTION I peak of their incompetence! There is a point of NO return for those who are pttt-closed, such as above all humanist professors and lawyers, like religious scribes, as soon as they have a position like Herod, do not grow with and fulfill even their B-potential! In fact life-fulfillment requires the


A-potential of making %-uncorrupted use of, to > qualify one's OPTION II!

And this cannot be sufficiently achieved under the spell of OPTION I's word statistics, e.g. with wordy (flying carpets towards self-destructive cargo-cults) ABC-definitions and assessments above PRE-primitively negating C-types, B-types maintaining OPTION II as a TRAP to %-intellectually/rhetorically outsmart and lure into, the otherwise TRANScending A-types with their OPTION II.

... are merely flying carpets in the zeitgeist towards self-destructive contextual disruption - by C-types, who under OPTION I have the last word as on top, nihilistic philosophy.

Who do you think is best suited to make a career under OPTION I at its best with ABC-wordy human resource management except the

- pttt-wordy intellectuals, the insubstantial spin doctors, psycho- and other word dynamic -logists, formal lawyers with their p-hidden agendas, the p-mammon serving banksters, the p-ideological party politicians and INTER-National Socialists together with the

- nicer sounding pseudo-authenticity of the non A- and B-type m- and t-attitudes of goe-disrupting real life and geo-reverse engineering it along the ZG-zeitgeist in evolutionary Social Darwinian OPTION I ways towards bestsellers, media hypes and sects of various kinds up to Satanism, which, according to some Popes thrives even in the Vatican let alone in mafias and top notch conspiracy circles and so on...

mptt-Example: gpoe g-marketing some p-principles of quantitative +2 growth of how to effectively o-open up lucrative e-ends, now transparent with top notch internet business. The marketing side-tracks people form their personally relevant social impact dimension's task-fulfillment; me Pp#13 of preparing my OPTION II process as a People#1Prophet#3. Thus divided from o-opening to the fulfillment of their innate function, me F9, providing the relevant past for a desirable future, to the e-end of ethical fulfillment, me of G5-life, real human beings who are not soul-fit, can be harvested as part of a target group by selling them such OPTION I p-growth principles.

mptt-Example: gpeo g-marketing some p-principles of -4 giving up undesirable growth, say smoking; how to effectively e-end a former o-opened up, now with undesirable consequences, again lucratively rather than taking responsibility. When I was in Hong Kong in 1985 I met a marketing manager; she told me of her last meeting with her boss, a bit worried: She told him that number showed how the Chinese get fatter from the western food her company delivered. The boss told her to introduce dietary food as up sale and increase the marketing for the former. She war hired for her skills, then in danger of getting fired for her attitude making me aware of what in 1985 was ahead of humanity - realizing that my country Switzerland was also sucked in the OPTION I vortex, I went into exile in 1986 to Australia... to come back to begin a new phase of my life in 1988 when Diane from Sydney, joined to marry me...


But what do you think is the solution to the problem of the insubstantial p-principles overwriting more and more of conscience up to robots replacing humans with all that means? It is (left for X=9Pp like me) A-type mind-formatted people, who > qualify in the substantial way with their ignition sequence, me with 1Kd3D>6 as a People#1Prophet#3 with my innate D-definition power about K-created d-designs qualifying their >6 very good, i.e. essences as I do here, not merely socially conditioned pleasing some boss and/or the zeitgeist to get a better paid A-type ranking from the boss, so his company gets a AAA-ranking in the zeitgeist, as above all the devil for his lawless preaching [Verses 7-12], that there is no evil (reverse the letters in "live"). That ZG-ranking is what the Nazis and the Communists got until their doomsday, the ZG-intellectuals till Nov. 24, 2016, now just disrupting mental zombies, wordy relicts of Antiquity...

In fact, the smooth %1-politically correct A-Types under OPTION I are the most disruptive ones such as the well behaving intellects who are now putting the spin of "The Age of Amazement" on the actual Age of Disruption as "opium for people"! Remember that psycho-politically enthused mass marching into the trenches of World War I...

It is the oegp-mindsets alone, which do justice to OPTION II; no need to fragment God's human Creators into target groups like cattle! But it asks for the full H4-understangly L1-lovingly engagement into oeg-"marketing" OPTION II by its fulfillment! The struggle is not against flesh and blood... [Verse 5-12], indeed; OPTION I is the doorway to the worst disruption and delusions, and that means there is an OPTION II for you too which is not of the latter's way! And that needs no longer to be a religious myth; it is life-practically proven and modeled, congruent to the H3-facts of the history of life, also of yours as well for you to H4-understand with good will for your B4-truth that will set you free of it; free to fulfill your OPTION II.


Let us face it; the Jewish tradition is the simplifying cargo-cult of the X-Creator, the Christian one, that of Jesus, the H4-obidient H3-human reality, and the Islam, the cargo-cult of the a-Holy Spirit and your mind, the cargo-cult of your X-created substance...



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Drill deeper:

Human Systems fulfill the relevant options of their substance;
OPTION II can be modeled with relevant open-ended generative principles!
The ZG-zeitgeist makes people dance around its prevailing icons;
in permanently self-destructive ways, from to Golden Calf to Stephen Hawking,
as a
science idol; we rather need a sustainably lifefulfilling think-system - here you find it!

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