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The Time has come for you to consider your Soul Fitness to survive the present Age of Disruption
- in a lifefulfilling way
  by overcoming

the prevailing intellectual zeitgeist domination via the
Academy4 Think-
; beyond

Other (?0-*3>ZG)   determinateness
with personally
Beyond suppression
- in Love-Coded
Collective*?'s domination with its weapons of mass-deception - with little institutional and legal consequences so far...
- by
adhering to Your
  innate Constitution;
  the focus here

Beware of the global OPTION I state of Mind

Only the OPTION II attitude to the birth with the personally relevant OPTION II towards Life- through Task-Fulfillment of ones X-inner substance, created by the Creator, can satisfy the demand for substantial concepts for the survival of humanity. These have been made possible since 1979 as "open-ended generative principles" for real people who still have ears to hear and eyes to see, i.e. are soul-fit for the inner orientation based on the corner stones of  relationship B5-truths. Furthermore this requires the inner personal strength with the power of empathy for this OPTION II, in view of OPTION I's attempts to annihilate any corner stones as stumbling blocks of its intellectual Lego-mentality of minds with disrupted souls, to disrupt the rest of the world's substance...

1) Pp-Ability's Mutilation
they call it weakness and THEY grant you some
freedom with it away from OPTION II, i.e. towards sinning; within the %1-political correctness, by which the mass can be %5-maipulated to arouse the mass to cry %6-projecting "Crucify him...not the terrorist":

It all boils down the question, as what/who we/you were born for, i.e. for Pp-preparing what process in one's live.

Under the pre-trans-trapping OPTION I, you are to rather be "human" i.e. becoming part inhibiting individuals to Pp-prepare their innate OPTION II processes in society:

- Letter/Scribe-Christians pretend to just be sinners who only find salvation in the church

- Islamists, are conditioned to think "humans" are born as "Muslims", towards the extermination of the infidels to allow "Allah's" >4 peaceful rule to dominate the world. OPTION I infected  Christians (as then the Norwegians in view of the Nazis, Chamberlain against Hitler) have also such corrupted minds, like the capitalists according to Lenin, ready to sell the ropes and their souls to his ideology, to be hanged with, i.e. so insubstantial, to ignore that in many places in this world, up to asylum centers in Europe, that real Christians are bullied and worse by persecutions by Islamists.

- Other, substanceless, «humanist» ideologies of the right "bad people" or the left "good people" polarize societies, united in demeaning people's OPTION II as the Israelites were against God, dancing around the Golden Calf...

- Managers and politicians, prefer man-made "humans", to Pp-real, responsible human beings as %1-manipulating mass for their blatant power games

- Scientists seeing people as a source of opinions about their malicious zeitgeist and as data for their Big Data research; their OPTION I «God», to soon be replaced by Artificial Intelligence with no need for bio-logical, soul-based, personally relevant#3 B5-life any more; fulfilling the Beelzebub strategy...

In all of the Pp-mutilations of people's possible neuronal development in a down-turning spiral from generation to generation, the most obvious hotspot is obviously the Middle East, as was the Evil Soviet Empire, Nazi Germany and still, North Korea. Switzerland is the laboratory for advanced psycho-politic! Your Pp-attachment is the leg by which you are part of the problem you pretend to solve!...


2) TAG-Emotionality

In the Pp-emotionalized "Christian Occident", in all the Tension-Anger and unresolved Guilt,

- "God" mutated to Judaism beginning with God's >6 very good Ten Commandments, the Israelites >3 dissatisfaction with God's guidance, up to the >2 bad holocaust, the >6 very god return to Israel in 1948, regaining control of the global money system via the FET and so on, the >3 dissatisfaction of the intellectual and fundamentalist with Israel, up to >2 bad wars, up to Armageddon, and then the >6 very good coming of the "Messiah"...

- "Jesus" via his birth as a >6 very god Pp-savior, >3 disappointing the crowd on Palm Sunday, then crying the >2 bad "Crucify him!", to resurrect as the >6 very good Christ followed up by the >3 disappointing Catholic World Church, with its >2 bad Inquisition, Jesus having left us the >6 very good...

- "Holy Spirit", historically mutating to the intellectually >3 dissatisfied protesting Reformed Church & Co. in the >2 bad spirit of the unsatisfying times' selection with in the terrible history beginning with the Thirty Year War 1618-48 up to WW II. All this has mutated via Karl Max to the self-destructive post-normality; at its death bed, Nov. 24, 2016, to the present Age of Disruption! Thus the before %6-projected, seemingly >6 very good selection of the multilateral INTER-National media Socialism, now after the final blow by Donald Trumps >3 dissatisfaction with it, to %5-maniuplate the Americans to now return from an otherwise >2 bad deterioration, is polarizing the USA into emotionalized camps just as before its past Civil War... 

- In Austria Dr. Michael Ley provides at least a quantitative diagnosis of the degenerating state of Europe in view if its impotence about all sorts of insubstantial movements inviting its growing islamization. Dr. Ley then admits the desperate need for further substantial concepts of diagnosis and therapy. He points out that the Islam began with its >5 good Dschihad and restoring the knowledge of Antiquity, >4 appeasing half the world with it up to Spain, then provoking the "Christians" to their >1 very bad crusades, which made the Islamists stuck in >1 very bad wars of terror, in their insubstantiality impotence for a Reformation. Among the Christians that was only possible with the >2 bad Thirty Year War 1618-48. And that made the seeming >6 very good Renaissance possible, leading to >3 unsatisfactory Nationalism towards the >2 bad World Wars. And the were followed up 1968 with then,  seeming >6 very good INTER-National Socialism, which collapsed into the >3 dissatisfying Age of Disruption with another >2 bad, may-be final Armageddon...


3) 623- 541 Disruption

Emotionality with its 8 family roles is now ideologically disrupted in more than 70 gender; followed up by amazing disruption. Hardly any state is still committed to meaningful content, beyond the malice of the time, twittering like Donald Trump seems to be the only chance on social media left. Yet all of this, just as the scribes against Jesus after he Pp-reach a crowd in an unauthorized gathering, disrupts the remaining open-ended-generative substances' principles such as in

Germany#20 with its >3 unsatisfactory, lacking sovereign 2Om-mentality; is is like in the past, again no longer able to b-balance itself, ones more at the abyss of of a >2 bad civil war, asking for another seemingly >6 very good Superior Leader as its Palace#2Priest#0. Its Christians begin to replace the Redeemer, lately merely a "strong literary figure" with the ZG-zeitgeist. Even some of the >3 dissatisfied "Christians" are now praying against the rising AfD-party "Alternative for Germany", evoking their >2 self-destruction making islamization possible. Many European cities like Paris, and once more like in the 1930-ties, are already beyond a turnaround, asking for a radical "solution" again, now world wide up to humanity's self-destruction, or the Chinese takeover before, to speed up the dirty job, the Nazis and the communists did before for the dark powers really ruling the world. And here is the dead end of the unsubstantial intellect with all its university trained elite:

The German politicians behave like Palace#2Priests#0 no longer sure what, and where the palace is without a sovereign state, each preaching his or her party religion/ideology...


4) Intellectuality Bm#X#

In our time, Switzerland#12 was increasingly intellectually recognized as the global OPTION I laboratory (still with more public voting than the rest of the world), because what works here, works world-wide with less than the usual disruption. There is a deeper, substantial reason; Switzerland's substance is X=6Bw#12/§3>4, its h-living/work space is 1Bm, i.e. among others Donald Trump's X. The zeitgeist hovers in Bm, now the media's Bm-multiplications of boundary conditions. Test its Swiss "flying carpets", the ZG-zeitgeist hypes, by IBM, Google labs in Switzerland, their algorithms, in Disney Research Zürich its virtual reality. The tow global Swiss banks hold most private assets world wide and so on. Be aware how much trend speech, how much of the global elite (WEF-Davos) appreciates to X-Bm-be worked out in the Swiss h-space.

On Nov. 25, 2018 the Swiss will vote about "Swiss right before International right"; a decisive experiment of global relevance to find out how far the elite can already go to eliminate national sovereignty as a major stumbling block for OPTION I and what kind of psycho-politics works best to that end. The Swiss substance- and country traitors, most of the present elite as People#1Masters#2, are willing to have the top spin Bw-work out, down to the people's vote. Since 1968 when the FDP-Liberals sold their substance to >4 appease the left wing intellectuals  marched through the institutions with alibi-demo-crazy. Switzerland's 6Bw-mentality has now become increasingly Pp-t-thinking-impotent under OPTION I;  see, on Facebook in Swiss German! The Swiss SP-socialist Minister of Justice has become schizophrenic in the so called "Polit-Mine-Field" in Bern, lacking any f-feeling for her duty, condemned in her ideology. Even the Swiss Popular Party (SVP) plays the OPTION I power game, just on the popular side. The left has already planned something like a national liberation celebration with freedom trees like in the time of the French Revolution and other idols, when the SVP-champion, who kept Switzerland so far out of the European Union, Christoph Blocher leaves the political stage. Until then, the traitors hope for the TRAP-protection of the "International Law" and further PRE-subsidies for their social mafia, and arts of representation of the ZG-zeitgeist, in order to enforce the motto "700 years of Switzerland are enough" under which they have marched through the institutions since 1991. Depending on the outcome of the vote, the ZG-zeistgeist might come, as before in 1291 the Habsburgs, 1798 Napoleon, to which the Swiss failed, and Hitler "Switzerland the porcupine, we get it on the way back from Stalingrad", to the conclusion about: "The Moor (Switzerland) has done his duty, the Moore can go..."

The Swiss will show, like 1992 in turning down its elite's plans to join the European Union, on Nov. 25, 2018 to what degree the are infected by OPTION I; they will again be tested in their substance to keep their sovereignty they fought for with §3-integrity against the Habsburgs and maintained it against the European powers, except Napoleon, and since 1848 stood for their Pp-sovereignty bravely till 1968. Since then, mental degeneration by the malice of the time to today's schizophrenic politicians polarizes People#1 between the intellectual zeitgeist and their  productive substance; uncertain about which Master#2 to follow, having had their X-substance divided form their Pp-potential by the great power greed elite in the media, politics and education; top-down, having ignorantly displaced the corner stones by which Nicholas of Flue saved Switzerland 1481, as the stumbling blocks of their arrogance.

The Swiss politicians behave like fore#2men#1, trying to keep their position mistrusting all they other (as in their state media's arena), no longer sure who is the boss, now for most of them it is no longer the constitution; so some secretly see it in the EU; via a general agreement, wanting to go home into its zeitgeist, in the "humanities", zeitgeist, up to anarchy against the power of money; together in Bern, a chicken yard up to a mine filed, where some think they are eagles, most ending as an old boiled soup chuck...


5) ZG-prejudice wordy Condemnation

Europe#10 has been the most impressive breeding ground and People#1Priest#0 agent for the global ZG-zeitgeist; now at the end of the world we grew up in in (pic left cover of "DER SPIGEL" - also pic on the right). It failed time and again, in its disappointing pre-trans-trapping §3-integrity-feelt a-insights about a B2-breakthrough beyond the global ZG zeitgeist's mind. Violating you shall not lie (pic right - up to the Pope about the dark site of his church) made it possible, after inhibiting hundreds of millions of conscious individuals from Life- through Task-fulfillment to go on with evil up to pedophile priests. Among others, Galileo Galileo was silenced by the Pope, Jan Hus burnt on the stake, the most horrendous last hundred years of the plague were in vain; the known prevention was suppressed by Europe's inquisitive temple/church - its palaces' "noble" cannibalizing elite, and the Titanic sunk 1910, because of the spin of its arrogant owner. Today, a the European Union has mutated to a mob of bureaucrats ruling by blackmail - against Switzerland and others, since the Brexit, against Great Britain up to using among others the immigration weapon like the Islamists against "unbelievers", against the believers in their National States' sovereignty - congruent to the present Age of Disruption to eventually be able to condemn any OPTION II as Hitler 362- did against that of the Jews in Europe, Angela Merkel 362- does it, trained in agitation in the former communist East-Germany to keep her power, and her Swiss counterpart, Simonetta Sommaruga does it as Swiss Counselor (who refused to swear on the constitution when appointed - everybody saw it, nobody objected) for Justice 541-disruptive...

In short, under OPTION I you have 1) no longer any Pp-sovereignty, having lost your soul-fitness, you do no longer mind, like Doran Gray/Dr. Faust, what makes a real human experience guilty, so 2) you gain the "emotional intelligence" 3) being disrupted to disrupt others such as Michael Jackson did, so the 4) insubstantial intellect rules in 5) condemning people in the zeitgeist. In future, globally networking robots will be better than human slaves and the present media:




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Drill deeper:

Human Systems fulfill the relevant options of their substance;
OPTION II can be modeled with relevant open-ended generative principles!
The ZG-zeitgeist makes people dance around its prevailing icons;
in permanently self-destructive ways, from to Golden Calf to Stephen Hawking,
as a
science idol; we rather need a sustainably lifefulfilling think-system - here you find it!

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