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The Time has come for you to consider your Soul Fitness to survive the present Age of Disruption
- in a lifefulfilling way
  by overcoming

the prevailing intellectual zeitgeist domination via the
Academy4 Think-
; beyond

Other (?0-*3>ZG)   determinateness
with personally
Beyond suppression
- in Love-Coded
Collective*?'s domination with its weapons of mass-deception - with little institutional and legal consequences so far...
- by
adhering to Your
  innate Constitution;
  the focus here

... how to Reframe OPTION I insubstantial Cargo Cults

As suggested by Psycho-Logy, "from neurons to narratives", marketers often use the Big Five personality traits to pre-trans-trap the consumer into segments of target groups in which the individual matters at best as a representative, an influencer or champion of cargo cults. This OPTION I approach is also used in politics to gain votes, and by HR professionals to evaluate prospective employees in terms of strongly disagree / disagree / neither disagree nor agree / agree / strongly agree to relevant intellectual statements into ABC-types of the relevant cargo-cult of the company.

The image above, with its % shows the result of my wife having filled in the bigfive assessment about me. The Big Five dimensions are considered to be the key underlying traits that make up an individual’s personality under OPTION I, based on opinions people hold about self and others, and their wordy evaluation in terms of the ZG-zeitgeist's prejudice organizing "science". Her comments to those results,...

- is relatively open (67%) to new experiences
He is open to surprising new experiences, though chooses them usually in relation to own goals.
- is very well (94%) organized, and can be relied upon.
- is relatively (78%) social and enjoy the company of others.
He can and does enjoy company, but never seeks it as such just for itself - eventually will want to raise his own issues in whatever company he is in.
- finds it easy (12% agreeable) to criticize others.
Not as such, but has such high expectations and ideals about others that most people fall short, and people feel criticized even when he didn't intend to do it.
- tends (78%) to become anxious or nervous.

No - can be very tense, stressed, over self-defensive, but that is not nervousness ((!?)

... show the actual relevance of science#2 about the opinions#0 evoked by Palace#2Priests, i.e. here we look at the OCEAN-ABC-intellectual spin doctors' work: In fact me and my wife could, and that is the malicious purpose of OPTION I, easily get into arguments about the above, up to disrupt our relationship; until we need "professional - psychiatric/legal help". To then get >1 very bad, about suffering from painful misunderstandings, we have all experienced, is >5 good for OPTION I business, while my revealing point here is >2 bad for it! This gives rise to underlying >3 dissatisfaction with me, at closer investigation, because my qualification with the >6 very good has a >2 bad echo under OPTION I. My wife, qualifying towards >4 peace, gets >1 very bad opinions, tempting her to reacting similar to whatever threatens her peace of mind, me close to her, such as by my OPTION II challenges. However, then as soon there is a chance for something >5 good again, she connects towards >4 getting her peace of mind back, X-encouraging others as 9Bw to do likewise. It is like a cat retreating her paws from a hot stove, i.e. people from hot topics, yet and that is my hope, having learnt the RIGHT lessons towards the future GOOD for FULFILLMENT. However, leaving the former alone for too long (such as on the Titanic), >1 very bad, hot consequences creep up in the 5>4>1>5 inner mental concentration camp...

The Big Five traits refer to the end of real human beings as "humans", in terms of the "OCEAN-flying carpets" of Openness, Conscientiousness, Extroversion, Agreeableness, and Neuroticism, occasionally summed up also as "CANOE". Let us clarify in terms OPTION II Science#3, what matters in the cargo cult of Psycho-Logy and what, at all costs, is inhibited, OPTION II:

o-open (me F9) > O (me 67% - opinions...)
A mentally substantial human being is open to learn new things and enjoy new experiences in the flow of his or her life time towards the own innate, X-specific function (F1-9) in lifefulfilling ways; on the level of Openness that includes traits like being insightful and imaginative and having a wide variety of interests everybody can 6>2>3>6... or 5>4>1>5... opinionate about it.

e-ended (me B5) > C (me 94%)
§BHL-ethical Conscientiousness of the whole mental §BHL-"spine" of self with its 16 essential states and the 5-year cycle of inner growth to end up lifefulfilled, reliable and prompt. Traits include being organized, methodic, and thorough on the ethical scale of one's essential X-focus.

g-generative (me Pp#13) > E (me 78%)
Extroversion traits include being energetic, talkative, and assertive, up to be seen as outspoken by introverts. In the X-BPOCpwme social dimension, a human being has extroverted energy and relates to others with his or her innate position in the intellectual pecking order, while in some others, above all where the a-essential state is, this is seen as introverted, self-driven, getting the drive from within the X-self.

p-principles (me >6) > A (me 12%)
Agreeableness comes across as warm, friendly, compassionate and cooperative and traits include being kind, affectionate, and sympathetic. In contrast, people with low level principles to which they agree, may be more distant. Real human beings qualify their X-oeg p-principle in dealing with the relevant challenge by what is >n (n=1-6 from very bad to very good) towards fulfilling their OPTION II, consciously self-determined - a horror to the OPTION I elite asking for crucifixion of whoever disturbs their wordy personally-neutral, non-committing opinionating cargo cult...

OPTION I (me; >2 bad stumbling block, giving rise to >3 dissatisfaction as inferior ) > N (me 75%)
Neuroticism or emotional stability relates to degree of insubstantial emotions. Characteristics typically include being ?0-illusionary, *3-moody and egoistically tense, +2 greedy, avoiding -4 challenging stress, %1-politcally correct %5-maipulative, %6projecting hypes to get attention in the ZG-zeitgeist, i.e. seeking fulfillment outside one's innate X-self! In this way God's >6 very good creation of the first man+woman has turned out >2 bad with >3 unsatisfactory consequences after the snake inFORMed Eve about the OPTION I tree of knowledge. The rest is a neurotic human history of riding the zeitgeist on wordy "flying carpets", idolatry, in cargo cults which has meanwhile evoked the "amazing" Age of Disruption...

OPTION I insubstantial personality traits, ideologies and possible cargo cults, are based on disrupting opinions and tastes, help people masters §1-§5 explain and %6-project who we are to be as "humans", according to the definition power of the elite to herd people up in ABC-types, divided from their X-self, to optimize ruling them as "soldiers", "citizens", "consumers", "voters" for OPTION I business as usual. Only when you breakaway from such OPTION I default neurosis and norms, can you become open for lifefulfilling insights. Here are the results of 75 years of a psycho-logical cargo-cult:

In my worldly >2 bad ways I tested another insubstantial other-determined ideology, not by opinions, but emancipated from what man can manipulate up to words like "God", intriguingly, by pseudo-substantial celestial star constellations; astrology. So I first studied its parameterization used in horoscope. Then I did something heretical; I drew "my horoscope" not with my star constellation but by translating my 9Pp/EF (one out of 1728 oegp) understanding into the star sign format. I presented the form of that "horoscope" to an advanced astrology class asking for an interpretation. The Palace#2Priest#0 lady, their teacher, immediately saw the unheard of heresy; she rightly saw no possible star constellation. However, one of her pupils, a less formal and more intuitively dedicated lady, not knowing, who that form referred to, translated it formally and in its meaning superbly and gave a very good description of my essence. I revealed what it was all about, X-identified the teacher and did her "form". She looked at it in rage, in the misunderstanding this new form was again about me, and slandered the interpretation of what was in her mind about me, until I told them, the 2nd form was about her essence, which on closer inspection made perfect sense for students of good will, her reminding blind to OPTION II, a typical scribe. I got similar cargo cult reactions from "Humanity" Professors, Intellectuals, Pastors and Politicians. That approach was missing, among others on the Titanic, as does substantial Applied Personal Science#3 in insubstantial OPTION I mainstream science...

Your OPTION II oeg-substantial, X-coherent parameters help YOU to understand how to support and challenge yourself and others towards the personally relevant#3 Life- through task Fulfillment.


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Human Systems fulfill the relevant options of their substance;
OPTION II can be modeled with relevant open-ended generative principles!
The ZG-zeitgeist makes people dance around its prevailing icons;
in permanently self-destructive ways, from to Golden Calf to Stephen Hawking,
as a
science idol; we rather need a sustainably lifefulfilling think-system - here you find it!

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